Thursday, October 02, 2008

Session Notes Continued 16-17

Session 16

Rhapsody notices the boat stops rocking for like 10-15 seconds. Ramirez, who is also awake, didn't notice.

A while later, Willard knocks at the door and comes in and relays that Chereshe said its time. He asks if the group is sure he can't come along. Rhapsody doesn't answer.

Chereshe arrives and double checks intentions. Stockman is also going to be joining in the recon mission.

They head out to the docks and both Stockman and Daniel put up essence shields. Ramirez and Muller say that they will meet up with the group at Rhapsody's place.

Stockman said that he wasn't really working for Chereshe for a while, not included the months he spent working towards getting Chereshe summoned. Daniel says that he was with the group because Chereshe kidnapped his friend. Rhapsody and the others because Myrddin let the pieces fall into place.

They head to 'Ammunation' and get outfitted. Stockman has the card and says that he'll pay. Rhapsody calls Priest and tells him what happened.

Stockman did some checking in the boardwalk area that has an undeveloped area that had an asylum there.

Ramirez calls and says that they're not going to be along on the mission. Rhapsody asks them to research the asylum.

The group heads up along the overgrown area north of the Boardwalk. They come up to a broken fence with a graffiti-covered no trespassing sign.

Rhapsody takes point with Stockman coming up second and both Daniel and Sheri brining up the rear.

She notices trails and as she comes through some trees, there is the scent of essence. She stops and sees a line of singed trees and brush. Rhapsody calls up Stockman and indicates the line. He moves over to take a better look. After a few tests, there doesn't seem to be any adverse affects to the group.

They go forward and come up to a crumbling brick wall. The asylum is in view in an opened field. The windows are mostly boarded up, a few still that have glass on the second story. Daniel uses his magic to make the group invisible, with aid from a crystal pendant lent to him by Stockman.

They head eastwards, keeping downwind as much as possible. Round the side of the building there is a gazebo. 30 yards from the gazebo, Rhapsody smells the dog beastie thing. She stops and tells Stockman. They wait for the others and tell them about the beastie.

Further around there is an apparent employee parking lot and a back door. The door has had the plywood that had boarded it peeled away. They are about 50 yards away from the building. The bottom windows are mostly boarded as are the second floor windows.

Stockman catches up as do the others. Rhapsody has them wait and she goes to investigate and smells the beasties inside. Daniel refreshes the invisibility. They see an elderly woman pushing a cart towards the backdoor.

Rhapsody moves towards the parking lot to get downwind wind. She pulls out a piece of a person from her cart, hefting it and waddles into the opening. Rhapsody heads forward to take a sniff and smells some of the beasties and some of the feral.

Rhapsody heads the way again to get a better idea of what is going on. About 30 feet in is the reception area. Medical beds in the hallway. They get to the desk and hear an echo through the hallway, a moaning sound, then something clanking as it's bumped. The blood leads towards the east hall.

Daniel peeks to see if there is anything useful like a map or fire escape plan. Rhapsody sees remains and bones that are less than a month. Looks like it was built in the 60's.

They head down the east hall. Its dark enough that those sans the acute sense of sight can hardly see. Rhapsody heads towards the door that says stairwell near the elevator. She reports back and Daniel tries using a wind spell to not squeak, which seems to work. Rhapsody goes up to listen at the door of the landing.

There's a loud metal scrape, like someone or something bumping into the bed. Folks scoot from the door. Rhapsody votes for going down, they go past the door and Rhapsody has hard time seeing. She listens at the door and hears the squeak of hinges, there's the click-clack of nails on the pavement.

There snuffling at the basement door. The door bumps and then the click of it going back up the stairway. Rhapsody keeps and ear out as Stockman pops on a pen light to look around. Rhapsody stays at the door to listen.

The others go through and find a closed door. Stockman has his gun at the ready and Daniel opens the door and Stockman scans the area. There was the scent of chemicals inside and nothing else. They head back down the other way.

They come to a big storage room with trays, bed pans and the like. They head further down the hallway. They find their way to the boiler room and open the door. They head back to the other door they bypassed and open it up. This one is a supply room with cabinets and has remains of old medical equipment.

They head down the other hallway. At the end, they find a set of stairs going upwards. Stockman goes up to the corner and says that it goes up to the second floor and the first as well. They go back to check the other door which is another small storage room, of old pool supplies.

They get back to Rhapsody and they heard voices. They head to the other stairwell and Daniel refreshes the invisibility. They head to the second landing. Daniel does his anti-squeaking trick. There is a figure at the other end of the hall, step out of a doorway, heading into an opposite door.

As they proceed, Rhapsody detects more of the bestial smell. Rhapsody starts to back up as do the others. Sheri clips a bottle and it clinks along. The beast growls and Antonio steps out behind it. He looks out the door and then raises his head, then the beastie charges down the hall.

(Rhapsody the queen pin)

Antonio goes fuzzy and changes into his hybrid form. Sheri double-taps at charging beastie and takes a few chunks out of it. Rhapsody and Stockman get clipped by the beastie, the mage's shield flares a bit and Rhapsody stumbles back into the room. Daniel also gets clipped and spun. The dog skids past Sheri as she ducks into one of the rooms. Rhapsody takes off her coat and vest to change, biding her time. Stockman takes three shots at the dog from where he's plastered against the wall. Two shots get it the neck, and one the chest. The critter falls with the tentacles writhing.

Antonio takes a burst of speed as he goes into kitty form and heads towards Stockman, latching on to the shield and starts rending big chunks off the shield. The dog thing shudders and lay still on the floor. The bag lady steps out of the hall from the room where Antonio was, and she's grown and has tentacles coming from her back and waving around. She propels herself down the hall and goes down the first stairwell. Sheri prays for strength from the Elk Brothers. Rhapsody pops out and shoots at Antonio but only grazes him with the shot. Stockman lashes out with soulfire at the leopard. The cat yowls and stumbles backwards, looking pissed.

Daniel moves by them to look in the room that Antonio and the Bag Lady stepped out from. He looks in the room, its bloodstained and there's a pallet made of trash. There's a big symbol of Fiachra painted on the wall. There are the chewed on remains of the body the Bag Lady had brought in.

Antonio spin kicks against Rhapsody's door, closing it and launches himself at Stockman again. Stockman is bowled over and he cries out, Daniel sees the rake against Stockman's shoulder after taking down the shield. From the first floor, there is the yapping of something else coming. Sheri moves over towards Antonio to hack and slash and the leopard rolls over the prone man as the kukri embeds itself between the mage's legs. Rhapsody opens the door, goes around and fires at Antonio once. The leopard dodges out of the way. Stockman finishes speaking a spell on the amulet and he vanishes. Daniel heads over towards the opposite room and looks at the bars, thinking to take out the bars in the window.

Antonio crouches, ready for an attack. The clatter and clicking of nails coming up the stairs, there's a second beast looking like the first, looks at Rhapsody. Sheri steps out into the hall, backs away and fires at the beast, double-tapping and hits with the first shot staggers it back and the second shot takes out some ceiling. Rhapsody peeks in and double-taps Antonio, the first shot tearing into his shoulder, and the second going into the wall, and she ducks back Daniel goes back to the doorway and starts drawing essence for a soulfire.

Antonio jumps for the window, the bar and boards go flying and he lands on the ground. The big dog snakes four of tentacles at Rhapsody and manages to wrap her up, tugging her in towards its maw. Sheri steps up to go slicing and dicing, however, she whiffs as it steps back. Rhapsody goes feral and plants her feet to resist the tugging. Daniel walks out and soulfires the critter it howls as its enveloped and the critter collapses.

Rhapsody grabs stuff and hops down. There are clouds rolling in, supernaturally fast, and there is hum in the air. Sheri reloads, and Daniel says he doesn't know how much help he'd be, but he'd follow Rhapsody if she decides to slug it out.


Session 17

The girls rip open the boards and move into the main entrance. Daniel tries to get a feel for where the source of the energy ripple is and points the way. Rhapsody leads after giving her Glock with the silver ammo to Sheri.

Rhapsody smells a powerful feralness in the air and can’t tell if there are a lot of ferals, or just one very powerful one. She pauses a moment as the door is locked, then goes THROUGH the doors, sending them flying into the pool room. In the center of the almost empty pool is a young girl. Bits of bone and rotted flesh are around the girl in the stagnant water, there is a book on one of the piles. Around the girl are five Ferals, three are wolves, two are leopards.

In front of the girl, who looks like she has not moved from where she is in days, perhaps weeks, is the homeless woman. The lip of the pool is hiding the last of the Fiachra beasties and it pulls itself up and lunges at Rhapsody.

The dog is fast and attacks. Rhapsody dodges to the side, but still gets raked along the side of her neck. She tries to claw into it with the intention of throwing it back in the pool, but only manages to grasp at the tentacles that writhe out of the way and just ends up falling back down. Daniel starts to channel essence for a Soul Fire. Sheri moves to the edge of the pool and fires with one gun, but the tendril lady ducked.

The dogbeast tries to take another chomp off Rhapsody, picking her up. She beats at it, but can’t get the proper power to the blows at it. Daniel moves over behind Sheri.

The tentacles of the beast try to get wrapped around Rhapsody, but she manages to squirm out of the way. She focuses and manages to summon 3 of her tigers. Sheri fires the other gun at ‘granny’ and misses again.

Rhapsody tries to claw into the beastie and is unable to do so. She has two of her tigers guard Daniel and Sheri as the third tries to leap into the fray, but is also ineffective. Daniel soulfires the book, the fire curves around the prone baglady and there is a crackle of energy. There is an explosion of energy and the book flies into the air then falls down, two of the ferals are thrown back. Rhapsody notices that when the two ferals get blasted to the side, she feels that the girl is sighing in pleasure of the pain of it and seems to strengthen from it. The first presence of Fiachra in her head, and asks “Why are you fighting on their side? You should be with me.”

Sheri hears drumming and sees Pukwudgi who says “heeeyaaa! Drum Sister, are you perhaps in need of assistance?”

One of the wolf ferals bends down and jump towards Sheri. The tiger protecting her leaps down and is caught by the wolf and torn apart, but it had done its job. Tentacle lady heads towards Daniel and his tiger leaps down and moves out of the way of the tentacles as she lashes out. The other two wolves move to guard the girl.

Rhapsody whiffs in her attack as does her tiger. Daniel’s guardian lunges at the tentacle lady and manages to connect as it leaps upwards and manages to latch onto her throat and rips it. She screams as the tiger rips into her. The focus girl screams again in pleasure. Daniel backs up towards the door and draws his handgun.

Pukwudgi says, “Drum Sister, Myrddin says that all the violence is gonna bring Fiachra sooner! It leads me to believe the opposite would affect her in the other way, hey?”

Daniel scoffs, “Right, hug the nearest feral?”

“No, no, don’t any of you have the healing arts?”

Daniel hehs, “That’d be fine if we didn’t have to kill everything to get to her."

Pukwudgi grins, “Well, no plan is perfect, eh?”

Sheri blasts the wolf feral with a silver round. It takes the shot in the shoulder, howls in pain and falls on the corpse of the bag lady. Rhapsody tries a hammer throw with the dog but is unable to do so. The dog tries to shake Rhapsody, but she manages to keep that from happening. Again she tries to hammer throw the dog and at least manages to get a hold of it. Sheri uses the magnum on the wolf but it moves out of the way and the shot sinks into the already still bag lady. The dog beast tries to get out of Rhaps’ grip, but she maintains it. The two leopards that were blasted are getting up. Pukwudgi runs and leaps into the pool, changing into a bobcat type creature. He lands on the wolf and they are tussling.

Rhapsody hears the voice in her head. “Join me and I will help you find him, I know who you search for. Trust me, you are like a child of mine and together we will find him.”

Rhapsody again tries the hammer throw, she manages to huck the beastie at one of the wolves and it smashes into it, the other moves out of the way, the girl is buried underneath as the beastie is scrambling to get on its feet. A wereleopard jumps up and charges at Rhapsody, and she’s pretty sure it’s Antonio. Antonio hits and catches her in the upper torso with his claws. Daniel goes into the pool and fires at the big, squirmy dog thing and hits. The dog shifts and is thrown off. The girl is partially covered in hair; one arm is longer than the other, tipped in claws. She's transforming into something.

“Have you made up your mind? The time quickly draws to a close when you have a choice.”

Rhapsody: “Made up my mind? Yes. Fuck you.”

“Perhaps we will get to that.”

Pukwudgi is on the wolf’s back, yanking out big clumps of hair, screaming native war cries gleefully. Sheri takes a shot at the big dog with the .357 and misses. Rhapsody slashes at Antonio’s throat and connects, ripping it out. Antonio stumbles back, grabbing at his neck and slides down. The girl grows about four feet and her mouth extends into a muzzle with teeth as she laughs pleasurably.

Daniel fires at the dog and misses. One of the wolves heads towards Daniel and his tiger intercepts and they start to thrash. Sheri fires at the dog and misses. Rhapsody hops down by Daniel. Wolf and the tiger and the tiger barely dodges out of the way. The squished one staggers to its feet, as does the one that dodged as well. The leopard lopes at Pukwudgi and it lunges at him and the little Indian jumps up Matrix style as he gets out of the way. Daniel shoots the one that is grappling with his guardian tiger, and hits. Sheri fires at the dog and misses.

Rhapsody remains guarding. The two ferals after Pukwudgi starting chasing him around, as they claw at him, but he seems to be having a wonderful time. Sheri fires with the .357 and keeps up the suppressive fire, the dog moves however. Fiachra-girl doesn’t seem to be doing much other than basking in the carnage.

Rhapsody has one tiger attack but doesn’t do any damage to the wolf. The other she has go over and help Pukwudgi as she continues to guard. The two ferals that were knocked down are entangled. Pukwudgi-cat runs between the leopards legs, turns around and bites the bigger cat on the ass. Pukwudgi grins, “Whoops.”

The wolf attacks the other tiger and she dodges. The squished wolf gets up and is healing, but Fiachra-girl rips off its head and exults in the rush of energy. Daniel takes another shot at the wolf fighting his tiger and misses. Rhapsody grabs the werewolf and throws it at the dog beast. She misses barely but the werewolf crashes into the wall of the pool. The one wolf turns around to attack the tiger helping Pukwudgi and misses. The other that got bit turns and swipes, but misses.

Pukwudgi tries to jump off its shoulders and doesn’t quite make it to where he wanted to go and is now back in front of the feral. Daniel shoots at the big dog and misses. Sheri pops a silver round into Antonio’s head. Rhapsody’s tigers claw the wolf in the face. The other tiger goes to bite the leopard in the ass, tearing its tail off.

The wolf attacks the tiger and hits. The tiger returns the attack and gets it against the wall, and gets it down for the count. The leopard gets the rest of its ass chewed and dies. Rhapsody goes over to do a Babe Ruth impersonation, though Fiachra-girl seems to lean into the blow, and tears at her shoulder and she’s spun around. She turns around and her arm is healing and she was actually IN pain. The dog bounds over to engage Rhapsody and bites her. Sheri goes up and takes a shot at the wolf in the corner and misses. The other wolf fights the tiger, but is ineffective. Pukwudgi goes after the other wolf in the corner. Daniel gets into a closer position.

Rhapsody tries to clock Fiachra-chick again and she dodges it. The dog tries for another bite but misses. The tiger kills the other wolf. The other tiger comes after the beastie’s ass, sliding under it and takes out groin and guts. The beastie stands and falls back as Fiacre gets off more on the carnage. Sheri shoots at the other wolf and hits the ground, but it staggers up and is still alive. Daniel sees the book's right between Fiachra-girl’s legs and he moves around to behind Fiachra-girl. Rhapsody tries to hit Fiachra-girl again and smacks her across the jaw, sending her head whipping around and teeth flying. The last bit of humanity leaves her and she is completely bestial. Sheri edges a little around the pool and holds position.

Fiachra grabs Rhapsody and throws her up into the rafters, hits the roof, and falls back onto the floor. The tigers try to attack and they are thrown off. Daniel backs away and gets ready for a whirlwind to try and get the book. Fiachra goes after the tigers, reaches out with one clawed hand to squish it and tries to bite the others, and kills them both. Rhapsody gets to her feet and picks up her club. Sheri double-taps into Fiachra's back, who turns her head at the last second and dodges out of the way of the two shots. Daniel starts heading towards Rhapsody. Pukwudgi lets out a string of curse words as he looks up at Fiachra and says, “Guys... I think we fucked… Drum Sister, what do we do?!”

Rhapsody charges Fiachra and gets backhanded, so her swing misses. Sheri calls Pukwudgi over and he hops over Fiachra's tail and scrambles up. Rhapsody goes for another crack at Fiachra and hits, catching her across her face.

Fiachra glares at Rhapsody, “You would have served me ably.”

“Woulda, didn’t-a, not gonna.”

Fiachra turns around for a roundhouse clawing at Rhapsody, and she connects, sending the tigress into the wall of the pool, her torso almost separated from the rest of her as she goes down. Fiachra reaches down and grabs Rhapsody’s torn body, turns and goes out the window, through the plywood covering. Pukwudgi clasps hands with Sheri and lets her gain essence. Fiachra jumps out the window and Sheri runs to the window, praying for holy flame. Fiachra is running across the grassy meadow, wings emerging from his back.

Fiachra’s voice says, “You will serve me…” in Rhapsody’s subconscious.

Sheri uses her holy flame and it hits, but it’s not enough. Fiachra still takes off to the air and leaves with Rhapsody. Meanwhile, there is a feral that blinks and lunges at Sheri and Pukwudgi and Daniel sends a soul fire blast, frying the feral, disintegrating it. Daniel goes and gets the book that was left behind.

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